

販売価格: 990円(税込)

希望小売価格: 990円




1. X-Outtakes 1
2. Get Started
3. Word Play
4. X-Outtakes 2
5. Raida's Theme
6. Pianos From Hell
7. The Cipher
8. The Turntablist Anthem
9. X-Outtakes 3
10. One Man Band
11. The Countdown
12. Solve For X
13. X-Outtakes 4
14. Turntable Exhibition
15. Beat Treats
16. Musical Intuition
17. Mad Flava
18. X-Outtakes 5
19. Poetry In Motion
20. Scratch To This
21. Musica Negra (Black Music)
22. Table Talk

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