ASIAN DUB FOUNDATIONのルーツとでも云うべきUKエイジアン・エスノ・ブレイクビーツ/ヒップホップ・ミクスチャー・バンド!FUN DA MENTALの98年リリース15曲入りフルアルバム!
1. Oh Lord! (Devil Would Like a Word)
2. Demonised Soul (My Head Bus on a Hard Surface But I Could Never ...)
3. Godevil (All Tainted by Wickedness)
4. Ja Sha Taan (Joo Ley Lal Mustt Qalander)
5. Blood in Transit (After Dinner Mints)
6. Repent (Not Repented Yet)
7. Deathening Silence (Thru Bloodless Birth My Being a Clone)
8. Furious (Cruatacean of the Sea, Organism of Dust)
9. See I a (Dust on Ants Feet)
10. Distorted C (All We Want)
11. One Ness (Dhann a Dhann)
12. Sliced Lead (Fill It With Lead)
13. Tongue Gone Cold (Grown to a Medical Specimen Paranoid Mad ...)
14. Fallen
15. Sumo